Fixed SID Figures for May 2023
In summary vehicles continue to speed through Norley, particularly on Ashton Road, Delamere Road, Norley Road and School Bank.
Ashton Road
45.6% of vehicles exceeded the 30 mph speed limit. The maximum exit speed was 79.9 mph.
Note: Bluetooth on the Ashton Road device worked this time so April and May data has been collected – did TWM do something ?
Delamere Road
57% of vehicles exceeded the 30 mph speed limit on Delamere Road with max speeds exceeding 67.1 mph.
Fingerpost Lane
In general vehicles on Fingerpost Lane adhere to the speed limit with only 3.6% exceeding the 40 mph speed limit in May.
Norley Road
33.6% of vehicles exceed the 30 mph speed limit on Norley Road with one vehicle travelling at 63.7 mph.
School Bank
52% of vehicles exceeded the 20 mph speed limit on School Bank in May with one vehicle travelling 37 mph in this 20 mph
Ashton Road – May 2023Delamere Road – May 2023Fingerpost Lane – Apr 2023Norley Road – May 2023School Bank – May 2023