Minutes of Norley Parish Council Annual Meeting 10/05/16


Minutes of Norley Parish Council Annual Meeting 10/05/16 7.50pm Norley C of E School.

1. Apologies
Councillor Querelle and Cheshire West & Chester Councillor Oultram sent their apologies.

2. Present
Councillor O’Connor, Councillor Crawford, Councillor Fayle, Councillor Stockton, Councillor Harvey, Councillor Ford, Councillor Sturt and Councillor Wild attended the meeting along with 8 Parishioners.

3. Election of Chairman
Councillor O’Connor was elected as Chairman and signed her Acceptance to Office Form.

4. Election of Vice Chairman
Councillor Stockton was elected as Vice Chairman and signed his Acceptance to Office Form.

5. Appointment of Representatives and Officers
It was agreed that all members of the Council would become members of Planning Committee to review planning applications in between Parish Council Meetings. Clerk instructed to also forward all planning application notifications to Martin Bell, John Leleu and Tim Sheward.

All members of the Council to join the Common Land Committee.

Councillor Wild to remain as Village Hall representative

Councillor O’Connor to remain as School Governor at Norley C of E School.

6. Review of Working Practices/ Meetings 2016/2017
To agree timings/location of meetings
Meetings will take place on alternate Mondays and Wednesdays every 6 weeks excluding August and December. Clerk to book these either at Methodist Hall or School.

To agree Standing Orders/Financial Arrangements
Copies of Standing Orders/Financial Arrangements had been forwarded to members prior to the Meeting. Councillor Wild highlighted these needed amending and clerk was instructed to take this forward and forward new draft to members for approval.

7. Declarations of Interests
Councillor Harvey declared an interest in Minute number 10 Jewish School
Councillor Crawford declared an interest Minute number 10 Bay Tree Cottage

8. Approval of minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting 30/03/16
The minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting 30/03/16 were approved


9. Matters arising from the minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting 30/03/16
(i) Norley Wildlife Group attended the meeting and it was agreed that this Group could take over control of WWI garden working in conjunction with Alan Davies for a period of 12 months. Group to submit any proposed work they intend to carry out for approval by the Parish Council prior to any work being undertaken.
(ii) Highways. Oakmere and Delamere Parish Council have confirmed that they have informed Highways that they will meet 50% of cost to reduce speed limits along Station Road and Abbey Lane. Clerk has asked Mark Jones now authorisation has been given when speed reduction along Blakemere Lane will take place.
Highways have forwarded a proposal for double yellow lines at Hatchmere cross road, clerk to inform them that Parish Council are happy with this.
(iii) Phil Gifford confirmed that the Bee Hives have been moved on Flaxmere as requested by Natural England. Discussion took place whether they had been relocated as requested. Clerk to ask Natural England to perform a site visit.
(iv) Councillor O’Connor provided an update on 106 funding due to the village and explained she had met with Sarah Dobbins and her colleague and further information will follow concerning this item.
(v) It was agreed that support from Martin Bell, John Leleu and Tim Sheward would be sought for all planning applications in the village but the content of any comments returned to CWAC from the Parish Council would be agreed upon by Parish Council members.

10. Planning Applications
Comments agreed in between meetings – 16/01063/FUL Bay Tree Cottage School Bank Demolition of existing outrigger and erection of 2 storey rear extension – no objections

Comments agreed in between meetings – 15/04213/FUL Demolition of existing lean to erection of side extension, raising of ridge and eaves height to create dormer Bungalow with rear balcony and render to exterior 7 Gazebank – no objections

16/01623/FUL conversion of existing stables to provide a residential property for holiday let Land adjacent to The Hollies School Bank – This doesn’t look like a holiday let due to the size. This stable should have been constructed from wood and the owner refused to remove it but granted on appeal, this appeal stated the stables would never be converted to a house. The application site lies in the North Cheshire Green Belt and is outside the Norley settlement boundary. The NNP has at its heart the desire to retain the gaps between clusters of buildings and retain open views across the village. Therefore Parish Council is concerned about any development in this visually prominent location at a 3-way gateway to Norley, which is specifically protected under Policy LC2 (Appendix C no. 8).The proposed extension increases the buildings mass, brings the building closer to the School Bank boundary and the introduction of right angled ridge line therefore has a visual impact on the openness of the green belt and on an important local vista.

Whilst NNP Policy HOU1 B) 1) potentially provides support for this proposal it makes clear this only applies without substantial reconstruction. Also HOU 1) C)


Indicates extensions to dwellings outside the settlement boundary created through the conversion of rural buildings will only be supported where they are small scale.

The main concern would be the granting of a residential use on the whole site predicated on the change of use of a building which is very small relative to the site area. If CWaC were minded to approve this application the Parish Council strongly recommends that conditions/ s.106 agreement are implemented to retain the dwelling as a holiday let on – going and the land as a paddock. This is not unreasonable and represents the stated intentions of the applicant.

16/01606/OUT : Delamere Forest School 
This application attempts to address the reasons for previous refusals and results in a smaller site comprising only the Brownfield land and no longer includes the swimming pool/playing pitches which the Parish Council feel is an integral part of the community. The building mass of the houses is smaller than the school buildings they replace which is important to demonstrate no greater impact on openness in the green belt. The proposal is potentially attractive by removing a deteriorating eyesore in a prominent location. The scheme appears to no longer involve incursion into adjoining Greenfield areas. However the exclusion of adjoining areas from the application reduces the opportunity to impose legal agreements to maintain the swimming pool /playing pitches.  On the assumption that CWaC can resolve the above concerns through conditions Norley Parish Supports this outline application.

11. Decisions
Single storey rear extension and alterations Vistula Post Office Lane – approved

Demolition of existing outrigging and erection of two storey rear extension Bay Tree Cottage School Bank – approved

Details of reserved matters following grant of outline permission 13/02397/OUT Land between Delamere Forest Inn and Rose Mont – approved

Conversion of existing double garage to form home office Hayden Lodge – approved

12. Correspondence
Email from Partner Construction informing the Council that she is waiting to hear what grant Equity Housing will award the village? Regardless of what Equity agree, Partner Construction will provide £1000 towards the cost of a traffic signal for the village.

13 Accounts
(i) Mrs M Rosney Salary March & April 2016 £527.10 passed for payment
(ii) Mrs M Rosney Expenses March & April 2016 £103.00 passed for payment
(iii) HMRC tax April & March 2016 passed for payment
(iv) Rabbitdigital Design website £410.00 passed for payment
(v) Norley Methodist Hall Room Hire £60.00 passed for payment
(vi) Zurich Insurance £406.94 passed for payment
(vii) Precept of £19563.00 received from CWAC


13. Any Other Business
Clerk instructed to ask CWAC Planning Department whether an application has been made for the building work at Yew Tree House next to the Haulage Yard.

The Meeting finished at 9.30pm

Norley Parish Council