Minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting July 2015


Minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting of 29/07/15 7pm Norley Methodist Hall

26. Apologies
Councillor O’Connor, Councillor Stockton, Councillor Johnston and Councillor Querelle and Cheshire West & Chester Councillor Oultram sent their apologies.

27. Present
Councillor Ford, Councillor Wild, Councillor Crawford, Councillor Harvey, Councillor Sturt attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Councillor Ford.

28. Declarations of Interest.
No declarations of interest were made

29. Approval of the minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting of 23/06/15
The minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting of 23/06/15 were approved subject to the following amendment:-
Councillor Querelle declared an interest in Foxhill and not the Jewish School.

30. Matters arising from the minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting of 23/06/15.
(i) Date is currently being agreed for Highways site visit to the village.
(ii) Councillor Wild and Councillor Crawford are working with Rabbit digital in regard to the Parish Council website.
(iii) Clerk to arrange a meeting mid September to allow parishioners to request funding in regard to the New Homes Bonus. Council Wild to advertise this event via Norley news.
(iv) Clerk instructed to invite a member from JNCOT to attend the next Parish Council meet to allow them to explain current policy in relation to playground insurance as all members of the Council are unsure of current situation.
Parish Council unable to insure playground as they currently do not have responsibly for it.
(v) Councillor O’Connor provided information via email of her meeting with CWAC re 106 funding. The funding for the playground should be released shortly.
(vi) Clerk has received 2 quotations for the paintings of the Cheshire Railings. Clerk reported that these were in need of repair. Clerk instructed to obtain quote to have the railings replaced. This item to be discussed at 106 funding meeting mid September.
(vii) Councillor Harvey provided a quote to have notice boards repaired in the village at a cost of £696.00. This item to be discussed at 106 funding meeting mid September.
(viii) Councillor Crawford agreed to attend presentation evening for The Best Kept Village Competition.
(ix) Councillor Johnston has conducted a check on street signs and reported them all to be present and correct although some obscured by foliage.


31. Planning Applications
15/03019/FUL Single storey extension and single storey detached garage, Wildkirk School Bank –  careful consideration needs to be made over the cosmetics of the garage to ensure that this is not out of keeping in this row of Victorian properties.

Town Farm Quarry Appeal. Norley Parish Council agreed to support all comments and responses made by Crowton Parish Council over this appeal in order to provide their full support to Crowton Parish with this item. Members considered the report sent to them by Philip Edwards and Alan Fleet.

15/03015/PDQ Town Farm, Town farm lane, conversion of agricultural building to one dwelling. This is an incomplete application which lacks information or explanation.

32. Decisions
The Old Vicarage, Norley Rd, replacement outbuilding – permitted subject to conditions

33. Correspondence
(i) Letter received from Philip Edwards and Alan Fleet regarding their comments to Town farm Quarry.

34. Accounts
(i) Letter received from Zurich Insurance explaining they had not received cheque which Council sent on 12/06/15. Council agreed to issue replacement. Payment of £393.48 approved. Clerk instructed to forward letter to bank to ensure cheque number 00225 is cancelled. Chairman signed letter to authorise her to do this.
(ii) Payment of £117.80 approved for payment HRMC May- June 2015
(iii) Payment of £75.00 Mrs M Rosney expenses May- June 2015 passed for payment.
(iv) Payment of £ 471.20 Mrs M Rosney Salary May – June 2015 passed for payment.
(v) Payment of £50.00 Cheshire Community Action passed for payment
(vi) Internal Auditor sent her report issues:-
Norley Parish Council agreed their budget for 2015/2016 at the Parish Council meeting of 18/11/14, clerk failed to minute this.
Council will consider risks during their Annual meeting each year in May
Clerk will issue copy of cash book at every parish Council meeting
Council is considering projects in order to reduce reserves.

35. Any Other Business
(i) Clerk instructed to ask whether CWAC have responsibility for the removal/control of Japanese Knot Weed and Himalayan Blossom?

The meeting finished at 8.45pm
