Minutes of Norley Parish Council Meeting of 30/09/15 7pm Norley Methodist Hall.
35. Apologies
Councillor Ford, Councillor Harvey, Councillor Stockton, Councillor Wild and Cheshire West & Chester Councillor Oultram sent their apologies.
36. Present
Councillor O’Connor, Councillor Querelle, Councillor Sturt, Councillor Crawford and Councillor Johnston attended the meeting along with 6 parishioners
37. Declarations of Interest
No declarations of interest were made.
38. Approval of the minutes of Norley Parish Council meeting of 29/07/15
The minutes of Norley Parish Council meeting of 29/07/15 were approved
39. Matters arising from the minutes of Norley Parish Council meeting of 29/07/15
(i) The Highways site visit to the village took place with Councillor Johnston and Councillor Sturt providing feedback to the Council. Highways have no funding at present and limited resources. The area’s in the village that were discussed were School Bank, High Street, Blakemere Lane and the cross roads at Hatchmere. Phil Brandeth is currently undertaking speeding reviews in the village and it is hoped that his findings will support traffic calming methods in the village. Clerk instructed to determine what monitoring of speeds are required before Highways will consider reducing speed limits in the village.
(ii) The Parish Council website is now complete and is available for Parish Councillors comments.
(iii) A Parish Council Meeting has been arranged for 01/10/15 to discuss how 106 funding should be allocated in the village.
(iv) Brian Coglan provided members with an explanation of how the funding from the Parish Council is used by the Play Ground Committee. It is not used as insurance ‘self funding’ but to support current and future maintenance. The Council agreed to issue a grant of £1000 as an annual Maintenance Grant to be reviewed annually by the Council.
(v) The Notice Boards have been repaired in the village.
(vi) Clerk instructed to chase up no tipping signs for the village.
40. Neighbourhood Plan
Tim Sheward deputising for Martin Bell (Chair of the PC’s NNP Steering Group) conducted a presentation to the Council. The Council voted and agreed to support the proposal for the modified Plan to proceed to Referendum. If it passes the referendum the Parish Council must make reference to the plan for any future planning applications.
41. Planning Applications
15/03718/FUL Erection of a pair of 2 storey semi detached houses, land adjacent Crown Inn Store, Fingerpost Lane – no objections
15/03530/FUL 2 storey side extension Redlands, Ashton Road – no objections
15/03928/FUL Site redevelopment for 9 barn conversions Greenslade Farm |Norley Road – This is very intensive housing and concerns over drainage to septic tanks must be considered along with Highways risks due to the increase in traffic that this development would cause.
42. Decisions
Outline Development of 3 dwellings Land Adjacent to Crabmill Lane – withdrawn
Conversion of agricultural building to one swelling, Town Farm, Town Farm lane – Prior Approval not required
New Doors and patio to rear The Old Granary Wickentree Farm – Approved
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 14/04293/ful to enlarge basement and change design of dwelling – Approved
43. Correspondence
(i) Email received from Norley Wild Life Group with a proposal to extend the current wild flower area at WI Garden. Following the Councils advice the clerk explained that the Group would need the Parish Council & Cheshire West & Chester’s permission before they carried out this proposal. Clerk instructed to email Phil Gifford and inform him again that this area must not be extended without prior permission.
(ii) Email from Parishioner raising concerns over possible infringement at Flaxmere. Clerk instructed to arrange for Councillor Ford to conduct a site visit.
(iii) Email raised from Parishioner raising concerns over Planning Application at Flaxmere. In the Parish Council’s response to this application they had previously asked that Cheshire West & Chester consider the implications of this development on this SSSI site. Clerk instructed to remind Planning Department of these concerns and possible implications this development may have.
(iv) Email received from Phil Brandeth requesting whether the Council could obtain School signs to encourage motorists to drive sensibly past the school. Clerk instructed to contact Highways regarding this issue.
44. Accounts
(i) Payment to BDO £120.00 Passed for payment
(ii) Payment of £135.00 Mr A Davies passed for payment (clerk received the Council permission prior to meeting for this to be paid).
(iii) Payment of £176.60 HMRC for July, August and September 2015 –passed for payment.
(iv) Payment to JNCOT £1000.00 for playground grant passed for payment.
(v) Councillor Sturt received permission to attend a Councillor Work Shop cost of £50 to be charged to the Parish Council
(vi) Mrs M Rosney Salary July August & September 2015 £706.70 passed for payment.
(vii) Mrs M Rosney expenses July August & September 2015 £75 passed for payment.
(viii) Councillor Deryn agreed to attend a Pension Event and feedback information to both Norley and Crowton Parish Councils with both Councils sharing the cost of this training.
(ix) The cost of repairing the village notice boards was higher than first expected with the final cost being £792.00, Council agreed to this increase commenting on the high standard of repairs.
45. Any Other Business
(i) Councillor Crawford and Councillor Wild to attend Best Kept Village Award Evening.
(ii) Clerk to determine who owns road at Hamletts Hollow.
(iii) Clerk to contact Highways regarding parking on grass verge at School Bank.
The meeting finished at 9.30pm
Norley Parish Council